Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

Organizing Drug Supply (skripsi dan tesis)

 Manajemen suplai obat yang baik membutuhkan adanya sistem yang mendukung pengelolaan suplai obat. Quick et. all (1997) menyebutkan the process of organizing the supply system involves interaction among multiple divisions within the hospital, and between other ministries. Organizing drug supply consists of organizational structure and administration, information system, personnel, facilities, and financial management. a. Organizational structure and administration Organisasi IFRS harus didesain dan dikembangkan sedemikian rupa agar faktor-faktor teknis, administratif, dan manusia yang mempengaruhi mutu produk dan pelayanan berada pada satu kendali. Pengendalian tersebut dapat dilaksanakan melalui suatu struktur organisasi IFRS yang terdiri atas penetapan pekerjaan yang dilakukan beserta tanggung jawab dan hubungan hierarki untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut. Quick et. all (1997) menyebutkan one of the fundamental of supply management mentioned above is the clear assignment of responsibilities and establishment of authority relationship. b. Information system Reliable, comprehensive and current information is a prerequisite for sound management and management and decision making at all levels. An information system forms which are used to communicate supply needs, consumption data, and other information to various offices 40 in the supply system, and reports which summarize the data from records and forms for planning and evaluation purposes (Quick et. all, 1997). A good information system provides decision makers with information needed to make the best possible choices. The amount and type of information needed, its form, and the degree of accuracy required are, therefore, determined by the particular needs of an individual supply system. Dalam pengelolaan manajemen obat, sistem informasi mempunyai peran penting terutama untuk mengetahui kebutuhan akan suplai obat, data konsumsi obat dan data lain yang berkaitan dengan pengadaan obat untuk evaluasi dan membuat perencanaan manajemen obat selanjutnya. c. Personnel Sumber daya manusia mempunyai peran yang penting dalam IFRS. Personel pendukung yang cukup (asisten, teknisi, dan secretariat) harus tersedia dalam menjalankan tugas IFRS. Personel harus memiliki pendidikan dan pelatihan yang diperlukan dalam bertugas. Kompetensi dan semua staf harus dipelihara melalui program dan kegiatan pendidikan berkelanjutan (Siregar, 2004). The performance of the staff which determined the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical supply system.
 Recruitment of qualified individuals, clear definition of job responsibilities, adequate training and preparation for specific job assignment and regular supervision a field too broad to cover in any detail. Several observations related to drug supply are worthy of mention (Quick et. all, 1997): 1) Job description 2) Qualification 3) Pharmaceutical expertise 4) Coordination of authority and responsibility 5) In service training 6) Staff motivation 7) Image of supply management 8) Guiding the supply related activities of health workers d. Facilities, equipment and supplies IFRS harus didukung dengan ruangan, alat, bahan, pasokan untuk fungsi, profesional dana administratif (Siregar, 2004). Fasilitas, peralatan dan suplai yang dikemukakan oleh (Quick et. all, 1997) adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Facilities Pharmaceutical management is one health system component where adequate office facilities for central administration and appropriate storage units for supply protection are essential. 2) Equipment Vehicles are the biggest bottleneck in many distribution system, with high maintenance costs, scheduling problems, and rapidly rising operational expense as fuel prices escalate.  3) Supplies The drug supply system really involves only two basic commodities: the medicines and the paper that controls drug in the shape of forms, ledger, stock cards, and procedure books. e. Financial management Financial management is a complex and specialized area which requires qualified and experienced managers, accountants, and other personnel. The detail of financial management vary from country to country however there are several specific observations which can be made about financial management (Quick et. all, 1997). 

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